The Principality Stadium

The Project

Project Aim and Challenges

The original large timber walkway access around the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff started to show signs of deterioration in not only the overlay planks, but also the structural beams that the planks were attached to.

As the planks were taken out, it was obvious that there was considerable deterioration to all elements.

With this in mind, the client wanted to ensure that any replacement product had longevity, incorporating built-in slip resistance and had the appearance of timber. In addition, the structural beams needed to have a similar longevity, no deterioration and be easily installed.

The finished scheme fits in perfectly with the surrounding environment and has the exact appearance of timber with a design life in excess of 75 years, without the obvious disadvantages of a high maintenance material.

The outcome

Designed to stand British Weather for over 75 years without rot, bowing, warping or cracking, it is a long term alternative to traditional timber boardwalks. With lightweight components to install and low wear, it is the perfect boardwalk for busy, high traffic areas.

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